Brussels Sprouts Apple and bacon

This Grillie dish will change all those who are indifferent to Brussels Sprouts to loving Brussels Sprouts. Bacon Apple and Brussels Sprouts on the grill. who does this? Only people who have the Grillie. This is a great Thanksgiving Day Side dish.

Grillie Chicken Capers Onions and Garlic

Capers on the grill? The Grillie is so much fun and so easy to use you can now add capers to your favorite grilled foods! Try this recipe, chicken, cannellini beans, capers, onions, garlic and fresh parsley. Serve over rotini pasta add grated cheese and enjoy an awesome grilled chicken meal.

Grillie Salmon Peach (or Apricots) and Garlic Slices

Grilled salmon, peach slices and garlic slices. My favorite seafood dish. The Grillie allows you to mix it up, like salmon peach or other fruits. One day I just decided to throw in peach slices and garlic slices with my salmon. What did I have to loose? The salmon peach dish turned out to be […]

Grillie Salmon Grapes and Spinach

If you want the best grilled salmon ever, you are in for a treat. Grillie salmon, grapes and spinach is a 5 star meal and it easy to grill. Three Grillies will feed easily 8 people. Grill time is about 12-15 minutes depending on your style of grilling. A fantastic seafood dish for everyone.

Grillie Fries Bacon and Cheese

These Grillie fries may be the best fries you will ever have. The Grillie will make fries so good I promise you that you will not be able to stop eating them. The recipe calls for a 1 Lb. bag of frozen shoe string fries or your favorite frozen fries, 3 strips of bacon and […]

Grillie Collard greens and Fresh Garlic

Grilled collard greens and fresh garlic using the Grillie is truly amazing. Grill 1 lb. of collard greens & garlic slices with the Grillie in 12-15 minutes. The flavor will be incredible. Grilled collard greens and other leafy veggies is where the power of the Grillie excels!

Grillie Chicken and String Beans

Grillie chicken and string beans is another super chicken recipe. this is another great Grillie recipe by Fran. Only 10 minutes on the grill and you have your meat and veggies “ALL DONE IN ONE”. Grillie chicken and string beans will be a summer or warm winter favorite!

Grillie Shrimp Peach Onions and Garlic

Grill shrimp with peaches onions and garlic the easy way with the Grillie. This shrimp recipe cannot get any better or easier to grill. Mix shrimp, peaches, onions and garlic, grill for 10-12 minutes at 450 using the greatest grilling device ever “The Grillie” and serve a seafood dish your family will love! I promise […]