Grillie Zucchini and Eggplant

This is where the power of the Grillie outperforms everyone else. You can grill eggplant, zucchini and garlic slices together and have one of the best tasting grilled veggie meals ever. This is a Grillie classic.

Grillie Chicken and String Beans

Grillie chicken and string beans is another super chicken recipe. this is another great Grillie recipe by Fran. Only 10 minutes on the grill and you have your meat and veggies “ALL DONE IN ONE”. Grillie chicken and string beans will be a summer or warm winter favorite!

Grillie Criss Cross Lemon Pepper Chicken

Criss Cross lemon Pepper Chicken is another recipe from Fran. Deceptively simple and yet may be the best chicken you will grill. No sticking to the grill, no tearing of the criss cross pieces and the chicken will be the most juicy grilled chicken you will ever have. The Grillie makes everything easy and the […]

Grillie Shrimp Peach Onions and Garlic

Grill shrimp with peaches onions and garlic the easy way with the Grillie. This shrimp recipe cannot get any better or easier to grill. Mix shrimp, peaches, onions and garlic, grill for 10-12 minutes at 450 using the greatest grilling device ever “The Grillie” and serve a seafood dish your family will love! I promise […]

Grillie Spinach and Garlic

Grillied spinach and garlic. You can now grill spinach and garlic using the Grillie. The taste is amazing! Juicy, grilled and garlicky. The only way to cook spinach and it is so easy you will feel like you are cheating at the grill.

Frozen Buffalo Chicken Wings Grillie Style

If I could design a way to grill buffalo chicken wings any easier I would, but I CAN’T. The Grillie is the fastest easiest and best way to grill buffalo chicken wings ever! You will feel like you are cheating it is so easy. Get yourself some frozen buffalo wings, I use Perdue Buffalo Chicken […]