If I could design a way to grill buffalo chicken wings any easier I would, but I CAN’T. The Grillie is the fastest easiest and best way to grill buffalo chicken wings ever! You will feel like you are cheating it is so easy. Get yourself some frozen buffalo wings, I use Perdue Buffalo Chicken Style Wings, and fill your Grillie with 20 of them. Put them on the Grill and relax.
Category Archives: Grillied Wings
We know that we can grill wings, however if you are constanly flipping over 20-40 wings on the grill it can be very tedious. Grillie makes grilling wings effortless. If you have four Grillies you can Grillie 80 plus wings in less than 12 minutes. Grillied wings is not only effortless but the wings will the most juicy grilled wings you may ever have!